Upcoming Events


Gabriel Halpern Restorative Workshop

Friday, May 3rd at 6 - 9 p.m.

Pranayama: A Deep Dive

The mark of a perfected restorative asana is a pleasant and stable staying. This ease is supposed to be the based from which pranayama flows. Without the ability of the of the spine to stay lifted, the chest to stay broad, and the mental focus to be calm, in-depth penetration is impossible. All fidgetiness will attract your attention to the surface, not the depth. Learning to relax is a skill unto itself, essential not incidental. Today’s class will show you how to take this inward journey. A sequence of back bends to open the lungs, inversions to clarify our brain, and forward folds to quiet the mind will soothe the nervous system and set the stage for supine and digital controlled pranayama. Gabriel will talk about the kundalini and the 7 chakras as symbols of individuation along our evolutionary growth.

Pre-registration Required. $60 

Gabriel Halpern Hatha Workshop

Saturday, May 4th at 11a.m. - 2 p.m.

Tapas: The Zeal of Intent Endeavor

Transformations developed through process. A stick-to-it attitude is necessary to stay with the changes throughout the normal ups and downs of life. The only way for progress to be realized is by consistent practice over time. Tapas is defined as the burning commitment to do it daily. Inflamed with this love and passion for the craft, you eventually Sirsasana and Sarvangasana (Headstand and Should Stand) The highly touted King and Queen of asanas. Techniques to unpack the step-by-step methodology to safe inversions will be demonstrated, instructed, observed, and corrected. Variations for both beginning and advanced students will be given. Prior to inversion instruction, a strong standing pose series will prepare the legs to do their part in lifting their weight up off the head and neck. So if you are averse to inversions: this class if for you!

Level 2.  Pre-registration required. $60 in advance.

The Warriors with Jon

Saturday, May 18th at 1 - 3 P.M.

Join Jon for a Saturday afternoon refining alignment and exploring the mythology of The Warrior poses as it translates into your daily practice and your daily life. $35


Rich Logan 6-week Special Series

Starts Thursday, June . 6th - July 11th at 3:30 -5:30 p.m.

Sign up for this 6-week intermediate immersion where you will gain strength and learn how to create stability in your body and your practice. Join this highly skilled, knowledgeable, entertaining teacher, seasoned practitioner for this special workshop series. Classes will be designed for seasoned or intermediate students, teachers and teachers in training, addressing both flexible students who are often unstable and need to stabilize joints and the spine, as well as  stiff practitioners who can find yoga frustrating. 

Come to explore safe methods using your own resistance to better understand techniques to work with your body's unique strengths and weaknesses. Better understand how we practice is often what's holding us back from safe flexibility.  Learn how to isolate the tight spot, and come explore safe release of the nervous system that may be holding too much

Lecture & demonstration. 6-week session $200.  Use code: 40OFF to receive your full session discount. Drop in $40. 

Dates: 6/6, 6/13, 6/20, 6/27, 7/4, 7/11

Yoga in the Sun with Cara

Saturday, June 15th at 11 A.M.

A donation based class held at Emricson Park on the hill overlooking the pond. DONATE HERE Suggested donation: $10 to support Turning Point, a Woodstock shelter for families of domestic violence. All proceeds to benefit Turning Point. 

The Ropes with Cara

Saturday, June 29th at 11 A.M.

STEADINESS & EASE: Sthira Sukham Asanam, with Cara. Find your balance between effort and ease in your practice and your life! Learn and practice poses using the support of wall and the ropes to experience its therapeutic and tractioning effects. Then move into more restorative poses, relaxing into the support and grounding properties of props and of course end with a long and peaceful savasana. Pre-registration required. Class size limited to 12 people. 


Yoga for Strength and Stability with Lori Gaspar E-RYT 500

July 20-21, 2024 - WEEKEND TRAINING

Saturday - Sunday 11:00 am - 6:00 pm

One of the primary goals of yoga is to create stability. To bring balance to a traditional yoga practice, experienced yoga students can benefit from adding a strength building focus to increase stability and reduce the risk of injury. Learn how to incorporate natural movement into your yoga practice to become stronger, stabilize your joints and support a full range of functional movement.

$295 early bird (pay by June 15th); $345 thereafter


Tantra Shakti with Tricia Fiske

August 10th -11th 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.

This training explores Hatha as a foundation to lead you into the tradition of Tantra Yoga as the full flowering of yoga. You will experience practice as a means to unlock the power of yoga, enabling you to become more masterful in your understanding of and capacity to share yogic knowledge and techniques, and achieve greater worldly and spiritual success. As described in the various texts of tantra, Hatha Yoga is comprised of: asana, pranayama, bandha, kriya, mudra, mantra, and meditation, as well as practices pertaining to kundalini awakening along with a seemingly endless array of other techniques and knowledge. By providing infinite ways to expand the reach and power yoga, tantra is yoga’s most complete and sublime approach. Incorporating the wisdom of Ayurveda and the whole of brahma vidya (“supreme science”), tantra provides a direct and accelerated path to achieving life’s ultimate aims.

Two day training workshop. $345 total for two days, use code “earlybird” for $50 off before July 6, 2024. 


The Art of Teaching Therapeutics with Linda Troutman, C-IAYT, E-RYT (500)

Saturday - Sunday September 14th - 15th 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Introduction to placing a therapeutic lens over the yoga practice. Learn how to see (Body Read) and cue optimal alignment in your students. Discover what common habitual patterns show up in the yoga poses. Learn how to break a pose down and build it back up for more competency and stability. Continue to build upon the skills that you learned in Advanced Anatomy. Identify the myofascial lines in asanas and movement. Learn common dysfunctions starting with the feet and moving toward the upper back neck and shoulders and methods, props and cues to address these common imbalances.

This workshop is two days, 7 hours each day. 13 hour total with 12 hours in the studio learning and 1 hour of follow up case study with guidance from Linda. The purpose of this case study is to learn how to research different conditions and develop sequences to address these conditions. Example low back pain.

$295 early bird (pay by August 10th); $345 thereafter