Wait. What?
Morning sitting practice
By Cara Chang Mutert
Sitting here, the morning after, I’ve found myself going back to the comfort of my deep-thinking mode. What kind of insight can I bring to this moment?
The “Why” will remain perplexing. The “What” will follow remains to be seen.
The subsequent shift will be interesting to watch. Still in a bit of a state of shock, I remind myself it’s very likely my life will not change significantly. But the symbolism of it all is so disappointing. I really thought we might be moving into an age of increased awareness and higher consciousness.
Rhetoric and opinions aside, every person’s life does matter. Here, there, and everywhere. All human beings, Americans, and otherwise. And while I think most of us would like to agree with that, history has proven that self-survival always reigns supreme.
But cynicism is also an easy go-to for me. Fortunately, through the practice of yoga and recognizing my tendency toward disappointment, despair and deep sadness, I’m doing my best to reframe the experience and leave the rest behind.
In light of the choice we as a country have made, it is clear that we have been guided into a place of believing this vote will bring us comfort and abundance.
In truth, economic and financial stability are what drive many of our decisions, whether on a national or global level, or for our families. So on the upside, with this perceived blanket of safety to allay our collective fears, ideally, this new environment theoretically should allow us to move into a place of less fear and reactivity. We might, maybe even, be able to gain more present moment awareness in actually “What Is.”
Hyper focusing on all of the “What was, What ifs, and What could have been” is depleting, exhausting, and an unnecessary expenditure of prana (energy).
Regardless of the “What’s next,” yoga teaches us to continue with our individual work to make a difference in whatever way we can. To move forward into a place of better understanding ourselves, one another, and to move away from division and towards harmony. To Union (“Yoga” in Sanskrit).
A steady practice of quietude in the truth of your heart is what will fuel us as we continue to travel into the unknown. For knowing what the future holds, just like safety and security, is really just an illusion that allows us to experience some sense of comfort in a life full of the unexpected.
While hope can sometimes feel fleeting, particularly when shattered by reality, through continued practice, we can mine the depths of ourselves in the silence of our own hearts to provide us comfort, serenity, and the feeling of safety and security that we all desire.
So breathe in all that you know that you are, and all that you know that is, and exhale the rest.
From my father’s memorial card, May 29, 2020
“This is a call to the living…
This is a call to the human, not the perfect,
To those who know their own prejudices …
This a call to those who remember the dreams of their youth,
Who know what it means to share food and shelter,
The care of children and those who are troubled,
To reach beyond barriers of the past
Bring people to communion
This is a call to the neverending spirit of the common man, his essential decency and integrity…
This is the greatest call of all
The call to a faith in people.”
--Algernon D. Black